Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal 金融援助 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal 金融援助 Standards of Academic Progress

杰克逊维尔大学的学生经济援助办公室负责管理 financial aid programs from federal, state and institutional sources. 美国.S. 部门 要求学校评估所有学生的学业进步(SAP), 即使是那些在杰克逊维尔大学之前没有获得经济资助的学生.

Evaluating Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

衡量所有学生的标准有定性的、定量的和 最大的时间. 的 academic record of all students is reviewed annually when final grading is completed after Spring semester. 的 review is cumulative and includes 所有课程在杰克逊维尔大学学习,并被学校接受转换学分 at the student’s current academic level.

评估结束后,将于6月1日前发送电子邮件给所有学生 学业进步不足而被暂停资助的学生.

Qualitative Standards

平均绩点-本科学生必须达到累积绩点2.0 或更高版本. 研究生 students must achieve a cumulative 平均绩点 of 3.0或更高. 课程 在杰克逊维尔大学(JU)以外参加的考试不计入你的JU总分 平均绩点.

联邦助学金学生资助办公室计算的平均绩点包括 所有已修课程的成绩,可能与学校计算的平均绩点不同 注册商 and found on the degree audit.

Quantitative Standards

Completion Rate (Pace) – Students must complete 66.67% of the total credit hours attempted. 不完整、重复、退出等级和失败等级计入尝试时数。 but not completed hours.


                             ---------------------- = Completion Rate


最大时限-学生必须采取和通过足够的课程毕业 with the 最大的时间. 的 最大的时间 is 150% of the published duration of the academic program. For example, the 最大的时间 is 1.5 years for a 1-year 证书课程,3年2年副学士课程,6年 a 4-year Bachelor’s degree program.

一旦明确,学生将无法在150%内毕业 在正常的时间框架内,学生失去了进一步获得联邦学生援助的资格.

此外,在某些情况下,有适当残疾证明的学生可以 qualify for full-time status with reduced course loads; however, these students are 仍然坚持与上述相同的学术期望(定性和定量).

未能达到上述标准的定性和定量标准(平均绩点,完成度) Rate, and Maximum Timeframe) will place you on financial aid 悬架.

Financial Assistance Suspension

学业成绩不能达到令人满意的学生将获得经济援助 悬架. You have the option to appeal the 悬架. An appeal must be based 严重影响学习成绩的情有可原的情况(例如) Death of Immediate Family Member, Illness, Major Life Event, etc. 上诉表格如下 available through the financial aid office and online at 上诉决定将在收到后30天内邮寄或通过电子邮件发送给您 上诉. 提交 appeal is not an automatic approval. 提交 学业停职上诉也与助学金停职上诉无关, and academic decisions have no bearing on the financial assistance status.

上诉应提交给学生经济援助办公室. 的 submission requirements are detailed in the notification letter sent to you. 下面 is an outline of what is required. Any original documents turned in will not be returned so please be sure to remit copies.

  •  Financial assistance appeal form
  • 打印个人陈述,解释情有可原的情况和你的行为 are taking to ensure future academic success.
  • Supporting documentation of extenuating circumstance

通过上诉程序,机构援助可恢复,当联邦和 State aid have been denied.

如果上诉被批准,你将被置于经济援助缓刑和 an academic plan will be created based the student’s unique situation.


学术计划的目的是让学生能够在一个学期以上的时间见面 the standards for satisfactory academic progress. 的 plan will demonstrate how the student will meet the SAP requirements by a specific point in time. 它会反射 realistic and attainable goals for the student. It is acceptable for the plan to deviate 从令人满意的学术进步政策的要求,如果计划证明 学生在特定点上对SAP要求的持续进展 in time and/or program completion.

Financial Assistance Probation

经济援助试用期从学术计划开始,是一(1)笔付款 period/术语 at a time. A payment period at JU is either a Fall, Spring, or Summer 术语. 在付款期/期限结束时,提交成绩后, 学生经济援助办公室将通过以下方式监督学生的进步 reviewing the academic plan. If the student fails to meet the conditions outlined 在他们的学术计划中,该学生将获得经济援助 the university until such time as the student meets SAP requirements.

未能达到学术计划的要求,可以根据减刑申请提出上诉 circumstance that seriously affected the student’s ability to be successful.

Re-establishing 金融援助 Eligibility without Appeal

如果学生被允许在JU学习,他们可以继续在他们的 own expense to attempt to improve completion rates and/or 平均绩点 issues. 曾经的学生 是否已符合SAP的要求,他们必须填写财政援助上诉表格 to request the recalculation of the SAP status.

State of Florida Standards of Academic Progress

国家奖励的续期资格在每年年底确定一次 春季学期. 的 renewal of state grants requires that a student have at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average as de术语ined by the 注册商’s office. 学生们 also required to earn a minimum of 24 credits annually for renewal.

佛罗里达光明期货奖学金的结业和平均绩点要求不同 程序.

Jacksonville University Scholarship Renewal Policy

杰克逊维尔大学奖学金颁发给一年级学生,为期8年 学期或直到授予学士学位(以较早者为准). 转移 学生奖学金在学生姓名首字母中指定的期限内颁发 奖学金通知信或直到授予本科学位(以两者为准) 早些时候).

奖学金的续期取决于学生的累计平均绩点. A 2.所有杰克逊维尔大学奖学金的续期要求累积平均绩点为0。 除非在奖学金中附加了具体的平均绩点更新要求,如 case of Honors 奖学金 and Talent 奖学金. 平均绩点's are not rounded up.

奖学金获得者必须保持良好的学术成绩 后:

  • 平均绩点's will be checked at the end of each 春季学期;
  • A student must maintain a cumulative 平均绩点 of 2.0 to retain the scholarship (unless 否则指出).

奖学金续期资格将在随后的每个春季结束时进行检查 术语. 此时累积平均绩点等于或高于学生的最低平均绩点 奖学金,杰克逊维尔大学奖学金可以恢复原状 价值. It is the student's responsibility to contact the financial aid office and 如果累积奖学金,在学期结束时申请恢复奖学金 平均绩点 has met the minimum standards for renewal.